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BE OUR DEALER How to set up a dealer network?

About Us

TrendFood Import & Export Trend Trading COMPANY In 1984 we the Akçaren family started wholesale food trade with the brand “Aklar Gıda” under the leadership of our late father, Hacı Yusuf Akçaren. later our consistent and sincere eorts began to bear fruit. The rst venture of our said commercial activity, which we started from the core, in Istanbul was with our rst market we opened in Bahçelievler in 1994. Then we took our place in Mega Center, one of the important centers of food wholesale in our country. In 2005, we continued on our way with a center and four stores. However, the rapid change and transformation of food retailing has led us to create brands in dierent models of retailing. As a result, our Aklar Cash & Carry, Trend Trading and Aklar Gross brands came to life and were gathered under the umbrella of Aklar Group.

Trendfood Trading Company founded within Aklar Group, and carries out export-oriented marketing projects. In this respect, it carries out the marketing of internationally famous brands and Turkey’s leading brands, as well as brands of its own production. It exports these products to countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. The goal of our company is to bring domestic brands born in our country, together with their own brands, to a larger sales volume in international markets. In the course of time, it seems that it has largely achieved its goal with competitive prices and quality brands. The outward-looking and dynamic structure of our company inspires us to achieve our goals for the future. Our aforementioned international trade is carried out with our overseas connections and partners, which are an important component of our marketing network. We are taking rm steps forward with the solid and mutual gain model we have established with them. On this occasion, we care about the success of our domestic producers together with our foreign partners. Because their success is our success.