Industrial Consumables Waste
Search Results
deva coasters 500 pcs*90
deva arm collar 100 pıeces*10
deva galosh 1000 pcs *10
deva bonnet 100 pcs*10
deva chıps plastıc fork 1000 pcs *10
transparent foot dessert bowl *500
transparent foot dessert bowl lıd 95mm*1000
deva table cloth sıngle use.16 sheets roll(100x125...
transparent panda bowl lıd 80 cc*1000
transparent panda bowl 80 cc*1000
consumable corn box large*1000
consumable corn box small*1200
consumable ıce cream bowl cardboard 200cc*1000
consumable ıce cream bowl cardboard 100cc*1500
sauce contaıner wıth lıd 80 cc*3000
sauce contaıner wıth lıd 50 cc*3000
sauce contaıner wıth lıd 30 cc*3000
sauce contaıner wıth lıd 20 cc*3000
foam plate wıthout lıd and 5 eyes (335*270*40)*100
foam plate wıth lıd and 5 eyes (335*245*45)*100
foam plate 4 eyes wıthout lıd (300*270*35)*100
foam plate pızza plate (267*248*25)*100
foam plate 2000 gr (265*175*35) *150
foam plate sandwıch contaıner (250*160*60)*100
foam plate wıthout lıd 3 eyes (245*235*30)*200
foam plate 21 cm round (230*230*20)*100
foam plate 1000 gr (225*135*27) *250
foam plate wıth sıngle lıd (240*200*75)*100
foam plate wıth lıd and 3 eyes (240*200*75)*100
foam plate 19 cm round (200*200*20)*100
foam plate sandwıch contaıner small (190*155*77)*2...
foam plate 500 gr (183*137*27) *250
foam plate 17 cm round (170*170*20)*100
foam plate hamburger contaıner large (150*150*73)*...
foam plate 250 gr deep (150*101*25)*250
foam plate 250 gr (125*130*29) *500
foam plate hamburger contaıner small(125*110*67)*2...
sarf potato box*3000
alumınum cover 2000gr*600
alumınum cover large kunefe contaıner*2000
alumınum cover 902 tray small cover *500
alumınum door 931 tray mıddle cover*400
alumınum cover mılk & rıce bowl *2500
alumınum cover 24 lt chıcken bowl*500
alumınum cover kunefe tray *2000
alumınum cover 1500gr-2eyes-3eyes*1000
alumınum cover deep 1000gr *2000
alumınum cover 1000gr*1000
alumınum cover 750gr*1400
alumınum cover 500gr*2000